53 Opportunities to Make the Right Choice

You might look at the words above and think, “I don’t get it. Why are they arranged like that? It looks messy and confusing and it hurts my brain.”

Well, that’s exactly the idea: to get you to think.

Only through discernment—that is, thinking about the artwork—will the message become clear. Deliberately thinking about the words in each column will push you to choose a column to live within.

Is your INTENTION clear in your mind?

Have you thought about how you want to live before you start living?

Life can be fuzzy and unclear.

The words are pressed together in their columns without any space between them for a reason. You see, the artwork above depicts the uncomfortable closeness between right and wrong.

We often find ourselves in situations where making the correct choice is difficult or unclear. Sometimes we make the right choice by accident, and sometimes we make the wrong one on purpose.

Are you deliberately making the correct choices? Do your choices serve your higher purpose and humanity at large?

Your INTENTION—in other words, your ultimate goal or focus—will determine your success or failure. This is true for you, me, and everyone else.

If your overall INTENTION is good and noble, you’ll find your day-to-day life to be much easier than if it were not.

If your INTENTION serves only your ego and shallow, material goals, then you will be met with resistance, difficulties, and hardships. You will not find HAPPINESS here.

The artwork is depicted in one “body” or grouping, and again, this is by design:

We are one, individually and collectively.

On an individual level, you have one body and one mind. Incidentally, they house both good and evil. We all have good and evil within us. Our society is no different—it is one group of people with potential for both good and evil.

Our life is like a coin: one object with two sides.

You can choose to let your coin be flipped on your behalf, throwing caution to the wind in the ultimate game of chance.

Or you can take the coin, turn it to the side of your choosing, and place it down with deliberation.

The only way to create separation between the words and the energy behind them is through our INTENTION. For this reason, INTENTION is one of the teachings within The Offering.

INTENTION is focus with purpose.

Focus alone may lead you down the wrong path. We’ve all been in positions where we focus on negative thoughts. A bad experience. Someone who hurt you. This kind of focus will lead you to a dead end—literally.

INTENTION requires you to think in advance of the outcome. With this power comes responsibility, and you should use it wisely.

Life is not easy. We are bombarded with micro-decisions daily. You have responsibilities, bills to pay, a family to feed, and more. Making the right choices for yourself can be difficult, and so we must make choices moment-by-moment and day-by-day.

I invite you to download and print The Offering, which is provided at the bottom of this page.

Keep it with you as a guide. Use it as a reminder of the great power of INTENTION.

My INTENTION is to grow and to LEARN through the teachings of The Offering.

My INTENTION is to share and distribute this work across the world—hopefully with your help.

I HOPE to see this work in schools and government buildings; our leaders could use the guidance. With your help, perhaps The Offering will find a place in The White House.

Again, I ask you:

What is your INTENTION?

May you find LOVE, JOY, and PEACE for your soul, and HEALTH, WEALTH, and HAPPINESS for your mind and body.

­― Michael J. Brand